Circulatory system assessment
A world first in the early detection of stroke, heart attack and other vascular problems! The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is a highly effective way to detect peripheral artery blockages early. The boso ABI-100 system evaluates these crucial data quickly, accurately and reliably – without Doppler.
Pay more attention to your health,
recognise the dreaded disease in time!
ankle-arm index measuring instrument
Peripheral artery occlusion is often the dramatic consequence of the first stage of cardiovascular events. Risk factor groups (smokers, diabetics and the elderly) are often diagnosed late with peripheral artery occlusive disease.
By simultaneously measuring the ankle-arm index in four limbs, measurement is much more precise and reliable with the new boso ABI-100 system. With the previous ultrasound method, the disadvantage was always that the measurements were taken consecutively, and thus the fluctuations in blood pressure gave unrealistic results. In addition, the Doppler probe method required a great deal of skill and experience, which meant that the test could only be performed by the doctor in most cases.
The results of the measurement are transmitted by the device to a computer, where they are evaluated by special software and displayed graphically.
Health is our most important value